Spices exports increased four per cent in volume and 19 per cent in value during April-February. In dollar terms, the rise was 24 per cent. A total of 471,165 tonnes of spices and spice products were exported, valued at Rs 6,030.74 crore ($1,323.28 million) as against 453,495 tonnes valued at Rs 5,058.26 crore ($1,063.44 million) in the same period of last financial year.
Exports of chilli, ginger, fennel, garlic, asafoetida and tamarind increased both in volume and value during the period. Exports of value added products like spice oils and oleoresin and curry powder/paste also increasesd. However, in the case of pepper, cardamom (large), turmeric and mint products, the increase was in terms of value only. Other spices like cardamom (small), coriander, cumin, celery, fenugreek, nutmeg and mace decreased both in volume and value terms.
Spice | Quantity (tonnes) | Value (Rs cr) | ||
2010-11 | 2009-10 | 2010-11 | 2009-10 | |
Pepper | 16,600 | 18,425 | 334.62 | 293.00 |
Cardamom (small) | 865 | 1,765 | 100.41 | 143.62 |
Chilli | 218,500 | 180,750 | 1379.52 | 1156.57 |
Ginger | 12,000 | 5,100 | 77.29 | 41.51 |
Spice oils & oleoresins | 6,800 | 6,225 | 803.02 | 651.68 |
Curry powder & paste | 13,250 | 13,100 | 178.76 | 173.30 |
Coriander | 37,500 | 41,150 | 150.00 | 202.70 |
Cumin | 27,500 | 44,800 | 333.72 | 494.48 |
(The time span of exports is from April-February) |
Garlic export edged up 66 per cent in volume and 138 per cent value terms at 16,700 tonnes valued at Rs 66.54 crore, according to the data. Export of mint products registered eight per cent drop in quantity, but 40 per cent increase in value during the period.
A total 42,500 tonnes of turmeric valued at Rs 608.84 crore were shipped registering a decline of nine per cent in quantity, but 78 per cent rise in value terms in April-February 2010-11.
During the period, a total quantity of 2,18,500 tonnes of chilli valued at Rs 1379.52 crore was exported as against 1,80,750 tonnes valued at Rs 1156.57 crore, registering an increase of 21 per cent in quantity and 19 per cent in value. During April- February 2010-11, 12,000 tonnes of ginger valued at Rs 77.29 crore was exported as against 5,100 tonnes valued at Rs 41.51 crore of last year.