The Sensex opened with a nine points gain at 6,665. While selective buying pushed the gains to a high of 6,681, the index has trimmed gains following weakness in select old economy stocks.The Sensex is now up four points at 6,660, while the Nifty is down a point at 2,064.Reliance is up a per cent (Rs 3) at Rs 532. ITC (up Rs 6 to Rs 1,566) has resumed with steady gains.SBI is up Rs 3 at Rs 658. ICICI Bank is up Rs 2 at Rs 394, and HDFC Bank is up a rupee at Rs 540. Infosys and Wipro have commenced flat at Rs 2,204 and Rs 702, respectively.While Dr. Reddy's has lost 1.45% (Rs 11) to Rs 725, Cipla is marginally down at Rs 289.Auto and cement pivotals, too, have largely declined in early trades.