The wholesale sugar market ended on a flat note today, as prices moved in a tight range on restricted buying against adequate stocks and settled around previous levels.
Market analysts said adequate stocks against restricted demand kept sugar prices around previous levels.
The government issuing 17 lakh tonnes free sale sugar quota for January and 2.18 lakh tonnes quota for leavy sugar, created adequate stocks position and helped in keeping the prices quiet.
The following were today's quotation in Rs per quintal.
Sugar ready M-30 3,100-3,225 and S-30 3,075-3,200.
Mill delivery M-30 2,850-3,025 and S-30 2,840-3,015.
Sugar mill gate prices (excluding duty): Kinonni 3,020, Asmoli 3,010, Mawana 2,985, Titabi 2,980, Thanabhavan 2,940, Budhana 2950 and Dorala 2,990.