Sugar prices rose 0.60 per cent to Rs 3,038 per quintal in futures trade today as speculators created fresh positions, tracking a firm trend at spot market on summer season demand amid fall in production.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, sugar for delivery in July rose by Rs 18, or 0.60 per cent, to Rs 3,038 per quintal with an open interest of 23,250 lots.
The June contract added Rs 11, or 0.36 per cent, to Rs 3,036 per quintal in 51,990 lots.
Analysts said fresh positions built up by speculators on the back of rising demand from bulk consumers in the spot markets and fall in output influenced the sweetner prices at futures trade.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, sugar for delivery in July rose by Rs 18, or 0.60 per cent, to Rs 3,038 per quintal with an open interest of 23,250 lots.
The June contract added Rs 11, or 0.36 per cent, to Rs 3,036 per quintal in 51,990 lots.
Analysts said fresh positions built up by speculators on the back of rising demand from bulk consumers in the spot markets and fall in output influenced the sweetner prices at futures trade.