Sugar prices rose further by Rs 30 per quintal in the national capital today following increased seasonal buying.
Market analysts said sustained buying by stockists and bulk consumers like ice-cream and softdrink makers pushed up the prices.
Tight stocks position and below the expectations release of free-sale quota for new month further fuelled the uptrend, they added.
Sugar ready medium and second grade prices moved up further by Rs 25 each to Rs 2,950-3,050 and Rs 2,925-3,025 per quintal, respectively.
Mill delivery medium and second grade price also improved by Rs 25 each to Rs 2,750-2,940 and Rs 2,725-2,915 per quintal, respectively.
Following were today's quotation in Rs per quintal.
Also Read
Sugar ready M-30 2,950-3,050 and S-30 2,925-3,025
Mill delivery M-30 2,750-2,940 and S-30 2,725-2,915
Sugar mill gate prices (excluding duty): Kinonni 2,910, Asmoli 2,900, Mawana 2,825, Titabi 2,830, Thanabhavan 2,725, Budhana 2725 and Dorala 2,825