The initial public offer (IPO) of Sula Vineyards was subscribed 59 per cent on the second day of its subscription on Tuesday. The IPO received bids for 11,099,256 shares against 18,830,372 shares on offer, according to data available with the NSE. The category meant for non-institutional investors got subscribed 45 per cent and the portion for Retail Individual Investors received 99 per cent subscription. The IPO offer of up to 26,900,530 equity shares has a price range of Rs 340-357 a share. On Friday, Sula Vineyards said it has raised Rs 288 crore from anchor investors. At the higher end of the price band, the IPO is expected to fetch Rs 960.35 crore.
Abans Holdings sees tepid response
The Initial Public Offer (IPO) of Abans Holdings, financial services arm of the Abans Group, was subscribed 28 per cent on the day two of offer on Tuesday. The IPO received bids for 3,527,260 shares against 12,800,000 shares on offer, as per NSE data. The portion for Qualified Institutional Buyers was fully subscribed, while Retail Individual Investors received 23 per cent and non-institutional investors 13 per cent.
Day 1: Landmark Cars bought 17%
Shares of automobile dealership chain Landmark Cars received 17 per cent subscription on the first day of offer on Tuesday. The IPO received bids for 1,404,383 shares against 8,041,805 shares on offer, as per data available with the NSE. The category meant for non-institutional investors received 39 per cent subscription, while Retail Individual Investors got subscribed 17 per cent.
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