Shares of Sun TV Network surged 12% to Rs 345, extending their over 10% rally in past two trading sessions on the BSE, after the Delhi High Court allowed Red FM, a part of Sun Group, to participate in phase III e-auction. CLICK HERE TO READ FULL STORY.
The stock has soared 26% in the past three trading sessions, from Rs 274 on July 28, compared to a 1.6% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
The counter has seen huge trading volumes, with a combined 3.93 million shares changing hands till 10:40 AM, against an average 3.5 million shares that were traded daily in the past two weeks on the BSE and NSE.
The stock has soared 26% in the past three trading sessions, from Rs 274 on July 28, compared to a 1.6% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
The counter has seen huge trading volumes, with a combined 3.93 million shares changing hands till 10:40 AM, against an average 3.5 million shares that were traded daily in the past two weeks on the BSE and NSE.
Meanwhile, the board of directors of the company will meet today to consider the unaudited financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2015 (Q1).