Shares of Index heavyweight Tata Motors dipped more than 1% to Rs 506 on the BSE in the early trades after global wholesales in August 2014, including Jaguar Land Rover, stood at 73,524 units showing a declination of 10% from the corresponding month last year.
Global wholesales of all Tata Motors’ commercial vehicles and Tata Daewoo range stood at 30,536 units and passenger vehicles in August 2014 stood at 11,338 units.
Meanwhile, global wholesales of all passenger vehicles in August 2014 stood at 42,988 units.
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Tata Motors is India’s largest automobile company, with consolidated revenues of Rs 2,32,834 crore in 2013-14. Further, it is a leader in commercial vehicles and among the top in passenger vehicles .Tata Motors has operations in the UK, South Korea, Thailand, South Africa and Indonesia.