The stock zoomed to Rs 425 and finally ended at Rs 414, up 10.5% from the previous close. The scrip has surged 27% in a week. Heavy volumes of 4.24 million shares were traded as compared to the two-week daily average traded volumes of 1.22 million shares on the BSE.
(Updated at 1031hrs)
Tata Motors has surged on a good Q1FY10 performance.
The stock opened 2.5% higher at Rs 385. It touched a low of Rs 380 but managed to surge 5% from there to touch a high of Rs 399.
The stock is now up 5% at Rs 393. In the process, it has gained 20% in the past week alone. Around 589,976 shares have been traded on the counter so far.
The company posted a 57% jump in net profit at Rs 513.8 crore in the quarter ended June 30, 2009 from Rs 326.1 crore in the same quarter the previous fiscal.