Current: 7,847 (fut: 7,896),
Target: NA
Stop-short positions at 7,970. Stop-long positions at 7,820. Big moves could go till 8,030, 7,765. A bearspread of long 7,700p (65), short 7,600p (43) could gain 10-15 if the index tests 7,750. .
Current: 16,717 (fut: 16,765)
Target: NA
Stop-loss long positions at 16,655. Stop-short positions at 16,875. Big moves could go till 17,075, 16,475. trend may stay negative.
Current price: Rs 126.5
Target price: Rs 129.5
Keep a stop at Rs 125 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 128.5 and Rs 129. Book profits at Rs 129.5.
Current price: Rs 97
Target price: Rs 93
Keep a stop at Rs 99 and go short. Add to the position between Rs 94 and Rs 95. Book profits at Rs 93.
Current price: Rs 3,747
Target price: Rs 3,675
Keep a stop at Rs 3,785 and go short. Add to the position between Rs 3,690 and Rs 3,705. Book profits at Rs 3,675.
Current: 7,847 (fut: 7,896),
Target: NA
Stop-short positions at 7,970. Stop-long positions at 7,820. Big moves could go till 8,030, 7,765. A bearspread of long 7,700p (65), short 7,600p (43) could gain 10-15 if the index tests 7,750. .
Current: 16,717 (fut: 16,765)
Target: NA
Stop-loss long positions at 16,655. Stop-short positions at 16,875. Big moves could go till 17,075, 16,475. trend may stay negative.
Current price: Rs 126.5
Target price: Rs 129.5
Keep a stop at Rs 125 and go long. Add to the position between Rs 128.5 and Rs 129. Book profits at Rs 129.5.
Current price: Rs 97
Target price: Rs 93
Keep a stop at Rs 99 and go short. Add to the position between Rs 94 and Rs 95. Book profits at Rs 93.
Current price: Rs 3,747
Target price: Rs 3,675
Keep a stop at Rs 3,785 and go short. Add to the position between Rs 3,690 and Rs 3,705. Book profits at Rs 3,675.
Target prices, projected movements in terms of next session, unless otherwise stated