Turmeric prices rose by Rs 266, or nearly 2 per cent, to Rs 12,500 per 100 kg in futures trade, as speculators enlarged their positions, driven by less supply and export enquiries.
In addition, hopes of a pick-up in domestic demand during the ongoing festival season also supported the upside.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange counter, turmeric for delivery in November traded higher by Rs 266, or 2 per cent, to Rs 12,500 per 100 kg, while delivery in October contract shot up by Rs 256, or 1.95 per cent to Rs 12,862 per 100 kg.
The spice for delivery in December month contracts also gained Rs 200, or 1.90 per cent, to Rs 11,802 per 100 kg.
Analysts said tight stocks following lower supplies in spot markets and export demand mainly influenced the turmeric futures prices here.