Turmeric prices rose Rs 226, or 1.97 per cent, to Rs 11,700 per 100 kg in futures trade today supported by a firming trend at physical markets and exports enquiries.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) counter, turmeric for delivery in December traded higher by Rs 226, or 1.97 per cent, to Rs 11,700 per 100 kg, with an open interest of 30 lots.
The spice for delivery in October month contract also moved up by Rs 42, or 0.33 per cent, to Rs 12,610 per 100 kg, with an open interest of 6,245 lots.
Marketmen said firming trend at the physical markets on account of strong demand and export enquiries, influenced the turmeric futures here but estimates of higher output with an increase in the area under the spice, restricted gains.