The Sensex is now up 201 points at 14,328.SBI has surged 2.6% to Rs 1,318. ICICI Bank has rallied 2% to Rs 938, and HDFC Bank has added 1.4% to Rs 1,049. HDFC has pared gains and is now up 1.3% to Rs 1,719. Tata Steel, ONGC, Dr.Reddy's and BHEL have gained around 2% each at Rs 602, Rs 919, Rs 678 and Rs 2,646, respectively.Maruti has moved up 1.7% to Rs 816. Reliance, Tata Motors and NTPC have advanced 1.4% each to Rs 1,659, Rs 745 and Rs 159, respectively.Bharti Aritel, Larsen & Toubro, ITC, TCS and Grasim are the other major gainers.The market breadth is positive - out of 2,343 stocks traded so far, 1,446 have advanced, 824 have declined and 73 are unchanged.