In an otherwise steady wholesale pulses market today, urad and its dal prices fell up to Rs 100 per quintal on subdued demand at existing higher levels. Marketmen said adequate stocks position, against subdued demand mainly led to a fall in urad and its dal prices.
They said, however, activity in other pulses, remained restricted and prices kept unchanged. Urad drifted by Rs 50 to Rs 5,350-5,900, while its dal chilka local, best and dhoya also traded lower by Rs 100 each to Rs 6,200-6,600, Rs 7,100-7,400 and Rs 7,200-7,300 per quintal.
Following are today's quotations in Rs per quintal:
Urad 5,350-5,900, Urad chilka (local) 6,200-6,600, best 7,100-7,400, Dhoya 7,200-7,300, Moong 6,300-6,600, Dal moong chilka local 7,000-7,400, Moong Dhoya local 7,100-7,300 and best quality 7,500-7,700
Masoor small 3,300-3,500, bold 3,500-3,750, Dal Masoor local 4,000-4,100, best quality 4,300-4,600, Malka local 4,000-4,050, best 4,150-4,250, Moth 5,800-6,100, Arhar 4,400-4,500, dal arhar dara 5,450-5,850.
Gram 2,150-2,225, gram dal (local) 2,425-2,450, best quality 2,600-2,700, besan (35 kg) Shakti bhog 1,050, Rajdhani 1,050, Rajmah chitra Pune 3,300-3,900, China 3,400- 3,900, red 3,400-3,500, kabli gram small 3,000-4,200, dabra 2,700-2,800, imported 4,500-4,900, lobia 3,700-3,800, peas white 1,650- 1,750 and green 1,850-2,050