V-Guard Industries has dipped 6% to Rs 1,069 on BSE after reporting a sharp 47% year-on-year (yoy) drop in net profit at Rs 9.23 crore for the third quarter ended December 31, 2014 (Q3), due to poor sales and hike in advertising spends. The company had profit of Rs 17.53 crore in a year ago quarter.
Total operational income during the quarter under review grew 11% yoy at Rs 395 crore, as against Rs 353 crore a year ago, V-Guard Industries said in a statement.
Selling and distribution expenses during the quarter rose to Rs 28 crore, up 33% from Rs 21 crore, it added.
The stock opened at Rs 1,094 and touched a low of Rs 988 on BSE. Till 1227 hours, around 309,000 shares changed hands on the counter on BSE and NSE.
Total operational income during the quarter under review grew 11% yoy at Rs 395 crore, as against Rs 353 crore a year ago, V-Guard Industries said in a statement.
Selling and distribution expenses during the quarter rose to Rs 28 crore, up 33% from Rs 21 crore, it added.
The stock opened at Rs 1,094 and touched a low of Rs 988 on BSE. Till 1227 hours, around 309,000 shares changed hands on the counter on BSE and NSE.