The stock zoomed to a high of Rs 192. It finally ended up 10.5% at Rs 185. A total of 19,684 shares were traded on the BSE today.
Updated at 1414 hrs
Venus Remedies opened flat at Rs 168, it touched a low of Rs 160. However, the stock soon zoomed to a high of Rs 182 on news that DCGI has given it approval to conduct Phase I trials of cancer related drug.
The stock is now trading at Rs 175, up 7%. The counter has clocked a volume of 6,539 shares so far on the BSE.
According to a release issued by the company to the BSE, Venus Remedies has received its first permission to conduct the Phase 1 clinical trials to investigate New Drug application of VRP 1620 from Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI). This VRP 1620 molecule will help to detect cancer.