The Sensex displayed volatility in the opening bell. After resuming three points higher at 6,371, the index registered further gains to clock a high of 6,393, before selling pressure dragged it to a low of 6,322. The Sensex is now down 15 points at 6,353. The Nifty has lost seven points to 1,977.ITC and Reliance are weak at Rs 1,271 and Rs 547, respectively. HLL is marginally down at Rs 131. ONGC, however, is up a per cent (Rs 5) at Rs 838. Infosys has lost a per cent (Rs 17) to Rs 2,150. While Satyam is weak at Rs 397, Wipro is flat at Rs 642.Ranbaxy has dropped 1.24% (Rs 13) to Rs 1,050. Other pharma counters, too, have commenced weak.HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank have resumed marginally weak at Rs 535 and Rs 389, respectively.