The Nikkei has slipped 59 points to 17,104. The Hang Seng has added 49 points to 16,360.The Wall Street ended its three-day losing streak. The Dow moved up 40 points to 11,130. The Nasdaq was up four points at 2315. The crude oil for May delivery dropped 36 cents to $68.62 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange yesterday.The Indian ADRs ended in a sea of red. VSNL plunged over 6% to $20.12, and MTNL slumped 5.5% to $8.42. Wipro shed 3% to $37.36. Patni Computers and ICICI Bank were down over 2% each at $19.17 and $26.49, respectively. HDFC Bank declined 1.6% to $55.32.