SmartInvestor : Markets have remained volatile since the past few trading sessions. The Nifty has once again regained the 6,200 level. What is your call on the Nifty for Dec futures expiry?
Chetan Jain : Nifty is facing strong support around 6150-620 zone with major put writing seen at 6200 strike price. Now ahead of the expiry week volatility may be seen in coming days. we advise to go for Bull Call Spread: Buy 6150 Call@38; Sell 6350 Call@8; Max Risk: 30 Max Reward: 70; BEP 6280; view: looking at the momentum and support based buying if market holds the 6250 zone then further short covering may be expected to give move of around 100 points.
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SmartInvestor : BHEL seems to remain range bound at current levels after its recent correction from Rs 170. The stock is active in the options segment today. What is your strategy for the PSU engineering major for Dec options expiry?
Chetan Jain : BHEL is trading into Bullish phase and buying is emereged on every decline in it. One can simply go for vanilla call option buy of 170 strike price with limited risk and theritical unlimited reward. Buy 170 Call@1; Max RIsk: 2000/- per lot; reward: double/tripple
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