Wockhardt is locked in lower circuit for fifth day in a row, down 5% at Rs 448 on BSE on reports that the US regulator had issued a Form 483 accompanied with some harsh observations about its Chikalthana plant in Maharashtra.
The stock was down 23% in past five trading sessions as compared to 0.45% rise in benchmark index. A combined 111,353 shares have changed hands on the counter and there are pending sell orders for 317,148 shares on the BSE and NSE.
According to a Bloomberg report, when the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors visited the plant they found urine spilling over open drains, soiled uniforms and mould growing in a raw-material storage area. This prompted the US regulator to list 16 observations in its Form 483 that was later given to the company management.
Analysts say the Chikalthana plant is crucial for Wockhardt as it makes the generic version of Toporol XL, a cardiac drug in which it has a market share of about 26% of the US market for that pill.
The stock was down 23% in past five trading sessions as compared to 0.45% rise in benchmark index. A combined 111,353 shares have changed hands on the counter and there are pending sell orders for 317,148 shares on the BSE and NSE.
According to a Bloomberg report, when the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspectors visited the plant they found urine spilling over open drains, soiled uniforms and mould growing in a raw-material storage area. This prompted the US regulator to list 16 observations in its Form 483 that was later given to the company management.
Analysts say the Chikalthana plant is crucial for Wockhardt as it makes the generic version of Toporol XL, a cardiac drug in which it has a market share of about 26% of the US market for that pill.