Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has said that out of around 3 lakh cameras that are to be installed across the city-state to ensure safety and security of women, 1,05,000 cameras have already been installed while the work is in progress for installing 1,40,000 cameras.
"Out of the 2,80,000 cameras, the installation of 1,40,000 cameras is in progress, and around 1,05,000 cameras have already been installed across the city. I believe no other city in the world has ever installed CCTV cameras at such a large scale," said Kejriwal in the Delhi Assembly.
"We have announced the installation of 2.1 lakh street lights in the capital to eradicate dark spots across the city. Gates have been erected outside the colonies to ensure the security of colonies at night. 13,000 bus marshals have been deployed in the buses plying on the roads of Delhi, and we have seen many cases of the bravery of bus marshals. I am of a firm belief that the incidents of crime will reduce drastically due to the presence of these marshals," he added.
Chief Minister Kejriwal said that the law and order and the police in Delhi are under the jurisdiction of the Centre and both of them should be strengthened to streamline the security arrangements in the city.
"Today, if a person goes to report a crime, the police do not help either out of their corrupt intentions or out of ignorance. I believe that rather than ignoring that corruption is still prevalent, we must acknowledge this fact and act on it collectively," he said.