In a thrilling finale to the prestigious 16th National UCMAS Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition held in Ahmedabad, 9-year old Rudra Gupta from Morena, Madhya Pradesh emerged as the champion of champions, where he competed against more than 7000 of the brightest young mathematical minds of the country.
The competition created a milestone in its own term as it witnessed most number of students in a single day at single venue appearing for the mental arithmetic exam, validated by Asia Book of Records as well.
UCMAS is the pioneer in introducing abacus based mental arithmetic program in India, and organised the National Competition for the first time, held in Gujarat on August 19 and 20, 2017 at the TranStadia Complex, Ahmedabad.
This cut-throat national level competition of little math wizards saw record-breaking participation by more than 7000 children from 25 states across India, aged between 4 and 13 years.
"Over the last 24 years since its inception in 1993 at Malaysia, UCMAS has constantly introduced and innovated new techniques to better develop the brain. UCMAS has the distinction of having trained more than 10 lakh students from over 2000 centers across 25 states in India, since 1999. The 16th edition of the national competition is the ideal platform for children to showcase their mathematical talents and to develop a healthy competitive spirit early in life," said Dr. Snehal Karia, President and CEO - UCMAS India.
"UCMAS is a cognitive skills development program using three learning styles - visual, auditory, and kinesthetics/ tactile. This program majorly assists human anatomy development as this technique improves functionality of five organs-Spleen, Liver, Heart, Lungs, and Kidney, which in turn affect functionality of Stomach, Gall Bladder, Small Intestine, Big Intestine, and Bladder respectively. In fact, many of our students have topped IIT entrance exams, competitive exams, school boards. UCMAS training helps build confidence, increases focus and concentration, and enhances memory - key cognitive skills useful in ensuring overall academic excellence. UCMAS training also fosters a love for numbers and removes math-phobia that enables success in academics and entrance exams" added Dr. Karia.
Established in 1993 in Malaysia, UCMAS is a child development program based on Visual Arithmetic and Abacus that boosts brainpower in children aged 4-13 years. Along with strengthening math skills, the UCMAS approach promotes whole brain development and establishes foundational building blocks like memory, concentration, creativity and problem solving - core skills that inspire greater confidence and success in all subject areas and in life.
Today UCMAS International runs over 5,500 centers in 75 countries across five continents, including India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Egypt, UAE, China and Australia, to name a few.