A Hubli court in Karnataka has sent to police custody till February 28 three students from Jammu and Kashmir, who were booked under sedition charges for raising pro-Pakistan slogan in a video shared on social media.
A second Joint Magistrate First Class (JMFC) court on Monday sent the three students, identified as Basit Ashik Sophi (19), Talib Majid (19) and Amir Mohiuddin (23), to police custody till February 28 for questioning in the matter.
The court directed the police to make the accused undergo a medical evaluation before the interrogation and produce the medical certificates in the court before the next hearing.
The three students were last week transferred to Belgaum Hindalga jail from Hubli sub-jail and the case, registered in Gokul Road police station, was also transferred to the rural police station because the video was recorded in the college hostel room which is in the latter's jurisdiction.
The Kashmiri students were under judicial custody since February 17 following their arrest for raising pro-Pakistan slogans and posting a video of the same on social media on the night of February 16.