Union Minister for Environment and Climate Change Harsh Vardhan has directed officials from Punjab and Haryana to ensure prompt action against incidents of stubble burning as data point out only 30 per cent decline since last year.
Vardhan held a review and action plan meeting on air pollution here on Thursday which was participated by Delhi Environment Minister Imran Hussain and concerned government officials of Delhi, Haryana and Punjab.
Following the meeting, Vardhan told media: "Punjab and Haryana have been informed to take more action on stubble burning. Data revealed that compared to last year there has been a 30 per cent reduction in stubble burning. But we are not satisfied with it. To stop stubble burning, the financial aid of 591 crore rupees out of about Rs 1000 crore has already been provided. We have now directed the officials to be more proactive on the issue."
Sharing details of other measures being taken on the issue, he informed that 35 air-filter equipped vehicles are being launched today. "As many as 35 air-filter equipped buses, 'Bus Pariyantra', are being launched today which will go around the national capital. In broad principle, they would take polluted air from the front and would settle down pollutant matter through the filtration process, and would release clean air. This is part of our initiative to fight increasing air pollution in the region. As many as 300 sprinklers are being used; mechanised cleaning machines are also working regularly," he said.
He also appealed to all citizens to indulge in a green good deed every day.
The minister further informed that different teams have been formed to implement various measures to tackle air pollution. "We have formed 41 teams of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), which have now gone up to 52. These teams will survey different parts of the city to assess causes of the pollution in the Delhi/NCR region and take necessary action. The teams have been on field inspection for about last one-and-half months. Forty-four of these teams will be working in Delhi and eight teams will be posted in different nearby areas of NCR including Noida, Gurugram and Faridabad. From today onwards, more teams will be sent to different parts of Delhi and would ensure that for the next 10 days we speed up our action. This campaign will be initially for five days and we intend to extend it for next five days till November 10," Vardhan said.
He also lauded the decision of Supreme Court allowing usage of only Green firecrackers.
The minister, however, informed that there is no chance of improvement in the air quality in the next few days although efforts are on.