Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, 480 public toilet seats will be installed at 80 different locations in Delhi in the next three months.
This was decided at a meeting taken by Madhusudan Prasad, Secretary (Urban Development), Government of India, last evening. The meeting was attended by the Chief Executives of NDMC, the three Municipal Corporations of Delhi and Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Project, Special Secretary, Delhi Government, Chairman of Delhi Urban Arts Commission and other senior officials.
Madhusudan Prasad stressed the need for speedy action under Swachh Bharat Mission and expressed concern over negative perceptions about tardy progress in Delhi.
Various models of public toilets including the hugely popular 'NAMMA' model being implemented in Tamil Nadu and the ones evolved by DUAC were discussed in detail in the meeting. The NAMMA model of public toilets was evolved based on the suggestion of Dr.A.P.J.Adbul Kalam who had suggested this model based on composite materials when he was the Principal Scientific Advisor to former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in 1998 and is now being used in Tamil Nadu. The NAMMA toilets were also appreciated by Narendra Modi when he saw the model at the exhibition during the launch of three new urban missions last month.
The four urban local bodies of Delhi will identify 20 locations each for installing public toilet complex with six seats each. This comes to a total of 480 toilet seats at 80 locations. Both the 'NAMMA' and DUAC models will be used for building them.
National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC) will support part of the expenditure to be incurred under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
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