Most Americans think that Hollywood has too much influence on the country's politics and culture, a new survey has revealed.
Also, those who will be watching what the stars wear on Oscar Night are more interested in the best-dressed than the worst-dressed; and they think the people who work behind the scenes of movies deserve more credit than they get when the envelopes are opened, according to the new CBS News poll.
From celebrities advocating causes to movies about political and social issues, Hollywood has long been involved in American politics and social values. Most Americans think it has too much influence.
61 percent say Hollywood has too much influence on American politics and social values, while 26 percent think it has the right amount, and 9 percent think it has too little.
There are differences by party affiliation: more than three-quarters of Republicans, and most Independents (61 percent), think Hollywood's influence is too much, while less than half of Democrats (48 percent) think it is too much.