The Uttar Pradesh government on Sunday said that till now samples of 73 people have been sent for testing for COVID-19, out of which 67 found to be negative and results of six are awaited.
A media bulletin from the Directorate of Health Services here said: "The total number of samples sent for nCoV testing is 73. 67 out of these 73 have been found to be negative. Results of the remaining six are awaited."
Till date, 1,424 travellers from corona affected countries have been identified and tracked by the District Surveillance Units and WHO-NPSP teams. 59 of them were found to be symptomatic. Samples of four travellers have been sent to NIV in Pune and of 44 travellers to KGMU, Lucknow and of 25 travellers to the National Center for disease Disease Control NCDC, Delhi.
"The state has cross-notified 69 travellers to other states within India and details of 26 travellers have been shared with NCDC, GoI, for International Cross-notification. Helpline number at the State Head Quarters is 1800-180-5145," the medical bulletin states.
It further said that "820 isolation beds have been reserved across the state for travellers returning back from China. The State has ensured that adequate infection prevention logistics are available for travellers and hospital staff. All medical colleges have also been asked to be in a state of readiness.
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