With reports emerging that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's PA had asked police personnel to step down from the dais a short while before ink was thrown at him, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Tuesday said that it is the duty of the security personnel to offer complete security cover to the Chief Minister irrespective of what anyone says.
AAP leader and former Delhi Law Minister Somnath Bharti squarely blamed police for ink-attack on Kejriwal and said that they had failed in their duty.
"One thing is clear that security officials were not present there when the incident took place. We do not know that on whose instructions they were not there. It is very surprising that they (police), who do not listen to even Kejriwal, listened to his PA," Bharti told ANI.
"It is their duty to give complete protection to their protectee irrespective of any hindrance. The police has not done its job properly," he added.
Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi had on Monday rubbished the AAP's accusation that he was part of a conspiracy behind the ink attack and said that there was no security lapse.
Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia had yesterday alleged that the ink attack on Kejriwal was orchestrated by none other but the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at the Centre. Sisodia also claimed that the BJP scripted the attack on Kejriwal with the help of Delhi Police, which work under the Centre.
Sisodia termed the attack as major security lapse and alleged that the 'conspirators' could also kill AAP leaders and Cabinet Ministers.
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The incident took place at an event yesterday when Kejriwal was expressing his gratitude to the people of Delhi for making the odd-even formula a success.
The woman Bhavna Arora, who belongs to the Aam Aadmi Sena, rushed close to the dais and threw ink at Kejriwal. She was immediately detained by the police.