Aam Aadmi Party leader Kumar Vishwas on Thursday accused fellow party member Yogendra Yadav of being 'two-faced', claiming the latter's statements would vary depending on his audience, with different remarks made before the party and the media.
"Yogendra Yadav has been saying different things to the media and the party. He had submitted his resignation on March 17, but he told the media that he has not resigned. We did not say anything, because the discussion was taking place and we wanted to respect that. He had asked us to introduce RTI in the party, the party started working on it and it passed a resolution. He asked us to keep a check on the elections preparations in the constituencies, the party agreed to that too," Vishwas told the media.
"Yadav asked the party to increase the number of members in National Executive, both of us gave eight names each, we had an agreement on that. He wanted to lead Haryana with independent charge and he did not want Naveen Jain to be a part of the independent charge in Haryana, we agreed to that also. He wanted to lead the farmer's movement, we agreed to that, and said we will work alongside you," he added.
Vishwas linked the calls for Kejriwal's removal from the post of national convener after Prashant Bhushan raised his objections.
"Prashant Bhushan started asking what 'paach saal Kejriwal' was and why the election was being fought in Kejriwal's name. Since then it was said that Arvind Kejriwal be removed from the national convener's post, the national council has to decide that on March 28," he said.
"The party alone can't decide if Kejriwal will be retained or will resign as the national convener. It will be decided on March 28 by the national council," he added.
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Vishwas further said that he and Sanjay Singh had even offered to quit the PAC and national executive to work under Yadav in the farmers' movement.
"We also agreed to the five things mentioned in the resignation letter of Yogendra Yadav and Prashant Bhushan," he said.