Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) patriarch Lal Krishna Advani on Sunday strongly advocated the importance of the mandatory implementation of democratic voting rights by every citizen for the building of a prosperous nation.
Addressing an Intellectuals Meet in Ahemadabad, Advani blamed those who do not cast their votes as responsible for the lack of progress in the country.
"Those who do not make any effort also contribute towards the sorry state of the country. We have been given the (right to) vote but the country will prosper when we use this right in a proper manner and no one should abstain from voting," said Advani
The veteran leader congratulated the Gujarat government for proposing voting as a mandatory process, though the proposal was not approved by the governor.
"I congratulate the Gujarat government and the Gujarat assembly for their proposal of making voting mandatory in the state. It is another matter that it was not implemented because the governor did not sign on it," Advani added.
He acknowledged the voters' role in a democracy and participation in the ongoing general election.