Bollywood actor Riteish Deshmukh, who made his debut as a film producer with the Marathi success 'Balak Palak,' has revealed that his next Marathi production venture would be on the warrior king, Chhatrapati Shivaji.
The 37-year-old actor took to his Twitter page to announce the news and wrote, "Proud to announce that Mumbai Film Company's @mfc #ChhatrapatiShivaji will be directed by Ravi Jadhav @meranamravi."
The film will be directed by Ravi Jadhav, who previously collaborated with the 'Housefull 2' actor in 'Balak-Palak.'
The actor will reportedly play the iconic Maratha warrior in the film.
Riteish is also gearing up for the release of his comedy 'Housefull 3,' that will also star Akshay Kumar and Abhishek Bachchan and is slated to hit the theaters on June 3, 2016.