Senior Congress leader, Ajit Jogi on Monday asked the party leaders not to take any knee-jerk reaction and pointed out that, had the party effectively countered the allegations leveled by the BJP during the elections, then the party would not have had to face such level a defeat.
"There should not be knee jerk reactions; resignations by anyone will not yield any results
We have to sit together and discuss things in its entirety. We were not able to project ourselves with the good work done by our Government. Whatever allegations on scam and misgovernance leveled against us during electioneering by the opposition were not countered and rejected properly which led to our defeat," Jogi said.
The Congress Working Committee (CWC) will meet in New Delhi, on Monday; in the wake of the party's worst-ever performance in the recently concluded Lok Sabha polls.
The meeting of the party's apex decision making body which will be chaired by party president Sonia Gandhi is expected to delve on finding out reasons behind its defeat and chalking out on its future strategy.
Accepting responsibility for the poll debacle, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi had said that the mandate in the Lok Sabha polls was clearly against the Congress and said there was a lot for the party to think about.