Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav, who is under intense criticism over a spate of serious crimes in the state, on Saturday said the incidents are being exaggerated and politicised.
"The incidents in UP are being exaggerated and politicised, CBI probes are called regularly," he told a press conference here.
Akhilesh also criticized the role of media in the Badaun killings case.
"The media wasted two months on Badaun incident, US and UN also took note of it, but what was shown about it has been proved false," he said.
Meanwhile, Akhilesh refused to comment on BSP chief Mayawati's remark that she should be re-elected as the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh.
"I would not like to comment on that at this point of time," he said.
Commenting on her party's demand to impose president's rule in Uttar Pradesh in wake of the deteriorating law and order situation in the state, Mayawati earlier in the day said, "To improve the condition of UP, it is important that I get re-elected as the chief minister. I assure that I will be forming the next government in the state.