Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav has called on the Election Commission to take action against Amit Shah, the BJP leader in charge of Uttar Pradesh, for describing the Azamgarh constituency as a base for terrorists.
"The Election Commission must take note of this. He has just apologised. Now again, he has made such comments. Ever since he became the BJP's UP in-charge, he has been trying to divide the people in the state," Akhilesh Yadav said.
"The BJP is not winning more than 150 seats, and that is why they are getting panicky and frustrated," he added.
Amit Shah had termed Azamgarh a "base of terrorists" backed by the Samajwadi Party government.
Campaigning for the BJP's Azamgarh candidate, Ramakant Yadav, who is taking on Samajwadi Party supremo Mulayam Singh Yadav, Shah said the number of terrorists living in Azamgarh or hailing from the area was high, as the state government was advocating their release in many cases connected to them.
"Azamgarh is the base of terrorists as there is no fear of the government, which is advocating their release," Shah said.