Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav said here today that stringent action will be taken against the anti-social elements in the state and added that the government would not spare the culprits.
"We will have to continuously work towards the maintenance of law and order and we will have to remain vigilant. Any illegal incident will be probed and stringent action will be taken against the culprits. The government has strictly ordered that stern action should be taken against all those who break the law," he said.
He added that his government was working for the development of the state.
"The government is trying to ensure that development takes place in all sectors, we are trying that roads are constructed, there is better supply of electricity and hospitals are also built. The government will try all possible ways to provide whatever facilities are required be it metro or anything else," he added.
After welcoming the verdict of the Allahabad High court on banning caste based rallies in Uttar Pradesh, Akhilesh Yadav addressed an All India Yadav Mahasabha here today.