Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar must be a really cool and composed person, as he has been facing the same question about his latest film 'Airlift' being compared to the 2013 Oscar winner flick 'Argo' repeatedly.
Speaking at the press conference about the comparison of the film in the national capital, the 'Singh is Kinng' star said, "You are insulting the movie with the comparison because only six people were saved in 'Argo' and we saved 1,70,000 and how can it be a copy when it is a real fact."
"The flick is not a copy and this is something which we should be really proud of", added the 48-year-old actor.
Akshay also said on the occasion that he was not aware about the 1990 evacuation until the film was offered to him.
The drama flick directed by Raja Krishna Menon, also stars talented actress Nimrat Kaur in the second lead.
'Airlift' is all set to take-off on January 22.