In a double attack on CPM and BJP-RSS, Congress president Rahul Gandhi on Thursday said all of them use violence, which is a weapon of the weak. He added that Prime Minister Narendra Modi only abuses people and has never said anything nice about anybody.
"In a way, BJP-RSS and CPM use violence. Violence is a weapon of the weak. Congress has always fought violence with non-violence. You might get a chance to listen to Mr Narendra Modi' speeches. All he does is abuse people. He has never said anything nice about anybody," Rahul said while addressing a rally here.
"You can even listen to his (Prime Minister Modi Modi) speeches about Mr (Atal Bihari) Vajpayee. You can see how he treats Mr (Lal Krishna) Advani. He only has respect for his friend Mr Anil Ambani," he added.
Slamming the CPM, Rahul said, "I want to ask CPM where they were when Kerala was facing floods? I want to ask CPM what they did for the 10,000 families affected by floods. The only thing CPM is capable of doing is acting violently. When it comes to job creating, CPM has no answer."
He added, "I think it is going to take some more time for the CPM to realise that their ideology is defunct. They are grasping at straws.