Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has described all the newly inducted ministers as capable and efficient, saying that they all would work as a team and take all necessary steps which are in the interest of the state.
He also stated that this being the second consecutive term of the government, besides taking several new initiatives, the work which is in the pipeline would be completed at the earliest.
Khattar was interacting with media persons after he accompanied the newly inducted Ministers to their allotted offices in the Haryana Civil Secretariat here today.
In reply to a question, Khattar said that all the ministers are experienced and capable as some of them have served as Ministers and MLAs earlier also and they have been asked to take the assistance of their fellow ministers of the first term in case they feel any difficulty.
In reply to another question, the Chief Minister also stated that caste and area factors have been kept into consideration while inducting the ministers, but there are always some limitations.
On being asked about the date of the first Cabinet meeting of the present State government, the Chief Minister said that the Cabinet meeting could be held on next Monday.