Central University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN) has declared vacation, a week earlier than scheduled after a section of students protested in the campus in solidarity with students of Jamia Millia University and the Aligarh Muslim University, who were protesting the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).
The University was shut from December 16 for winter holidays and hostellers were instructed to vacate within 24 hours, according to the information posted on the website.
According to a student of the university, the agitated protesters also burnt effigies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah.
Hours after the incident, as a precautionary measure and to avoid any sort of violence in the campus, the Registrar S.Bhuvaneswari issued the circular asking the students to vacate the hostels within 24 hours.
The protesting students are now sitting on a dharna inside campus premises and demanding administration to withdraw the circular citing they have nowhere to go.
According to a report, a couple of students have already vacated their rooms while some of them from the North-Eastern states are yet to do it. They have requested the management to let them stay till December 20th.