Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday called senior officials for a meeting in Nalanda's Rajgir, amid the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) raids against Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) cheif Lalu Prasad Yadav.
The Chief Minister has called Chief Secretary Anjani Kumar Singh, Principal Secretary Home Amir Subhani and Director General of Police (DGP) P. K. Thakur.
Meanwhile, an alert has been issued from the Bihar police headquarters to all police posts warning them of possible protests and retaliation from RJD supporters across the state.
The CBI earlier in the day registered a case against then railway minister Lalu Yadav on the allegations of awarding the tender for development, maintenance and operation of Hotels at Ranchi and Puri to a Private Company dealing with Hotels in the year 2006.
The CBI has also registered a case against the RJD chief's wife, son, then MD, IRCTC, a Private person, two Directors of Private Company, a Private Marketing Company and unknown in the same.
Meanwhile, searches are being conducted at 12 locations including Delhi, Patna, Ranchi, Puri and Gurgaon.
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The RJD, however brushed aside the allegation and said the agencies were acting as alliance partners of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
"Today's date shall go down in contemporary history as one of the darkest day. There is predictability about these kinds of agencies. Suddenly these agencies have become new alliance partners for the BJP and they are using it. As far as legal issues are concerned they know there is possibility of giving direction and influence from the top of the leadership of BJP. We will fight that legally," RJD leader Manoj Jha told ANI.
Slamming the saffron party, said the BJP has mastered the art of using these agencies to deal with their political opposition.