Taking exception to Aligarh Muslim University Vice Chancellor Lt. Gen. (Retired) Zameeruddin Shah's statement that girls in the library will attract boys, National Federation of Indian Women general secretary Annie Raja on Tuesday said the VC doesn't deserve to occupy his post.
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) Vice Chancellor (VC) Lt. Gen. Zameeruddin Shah rejected the demand of Women's College students for access to the organisation's Maulana Azad Library saying that "there would be four times more boys in the library if girls were allowed in and that the space does not allow the same."
"This shows the diseased mindset of the VC. He is not fit to sit in that position. Even the latest law says that if any person who follows women, it's a crime, and if the VC fails, if his accusation is right, then, he should take action against all those boys," said Raja.
"If they say that boys are coming so there is not much space, then, this is the question of their infrastructure. They should address the question of infrastructure rather than stopping girls. The library is meant for all students," she added.
Meanwhile, Congress leader Rashid Alvi also condemned the controversial statement as unfortunate and said that such remarks do not suit a VC.
The university's Maulana Azad Library reportedly has more and better stock of books than the Women's College library. This is the reason behind the demand of Women's College students to access the main library; however they have never been given membership of the library.