Delhi Police Commissioner B.S. Bassi on Saturday said the post-mortem report of the 19-year-old girl who was stabbed in the capital's Anand Parbat area would be handed over to the court after the investigation into the case is over.
"A postmortem report is part of an investigation. Since our investigation is on, it would not be right to discuss about it now. When our investigation is complete, and the charge sheet is prepared, we will hand over the post mortem report to the court," Bassi told the media here.
A 19-year-old girl was allegedly stabbed to death in Delhi's Anand Parbat area by a man and his brother living in her neighborhood for protesting against lewd comments.
Her police complaint in 2013 had led to the accused and his mother being taken into preventive custody.
The police have arrested the brothers in connection with the case and are probing if other people were involved in the attack.