Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Amzad Basha on Wednesday rubbished media reports that he attended the Tablighi Jamaat event held at Nizamuddin area of South Delhi, which has emerged as a hotspot for COVID-19 after cases all across India were linked to the gathering, including deaths in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Telangana.
The Deputy Chief Minister also warned that he will soon file criminal cases and defamation suits against media organisations that have spread fake news about him.
"The yellow media has conspired against me and our government. Some media organisations, which are to act responsible in these testing times, are playing politics. I went to New Delhi on March 2 in connection with the hearing of a case in Supreme Court regarding 4 per cent reservations for Muslims. But some media are mudslinging on me that I had gone for religious program at Markaj. I am deputy CM of a state, my every movement is recorded by protocol," he said in a press statement.
"I will file criminal case on media houses, will file defamation suit. Public should not believe the false news spread by yellow media. Public should be aware of the truth," he said.
Basha further clarified that he stayed in Andhra Pradesh Bhavan on March 2 and on March 4 attended a cabinet meeting.
"I stayed at AP Bhavan in Delhi on March 3. The next day, I met Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and later returned to my constituency of Kadapa and started preparing for local body elections," he said.
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