The Railway Protection Force (RPF) on Sunday arrested one person who allegedly performed misadventures on railway tracks and posted the videos of the incident on video sharing platforms online.
The youth, identified as Ramireddy, was arrested for performing misadventures on Railway tracks. He used to put toys, crackers and cylinders on railway tracks and upload videos of trains crushing them on YouTube, RPF said.
The incident was reported to the RPF by one Narasimha from Hyderabad, who saw one of the videos on the video-sharing platform and made a complaint to the Railway Police on Twitter.
"I like YouTube. I used to watch videos regularly. Videos of such adventures attracted me. I saw many videos of trains crushing things. I am inspired by them and made such videos because they get lakhs of views. I didn't know it is a crime. I am only now finding that out," Ramireddy said.
He then urged people not to venture into these kinds of activities.
According to the police, a case has been filed against Ramireddy and he has been sent on remand.