Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh on Thursday said the police department should be rewarded for arresting wanted gangster Ejaz Lakdawala.
"The police department has arrested known gangster Ejaz Lakdawala in Patna yesterday night. We all know that he was connected to Dawood and Chota Rajan earlier. He has 4 MCOCA cases against his name," Deshmukh said.
"I congratulate the Police department and believe that they should be rewarded. We will conduct an enquiry whether he was trying to flee to Nepal or not. He had a fake passport with the name Manish Advani," he added.
Fugitive gangster Ejaz Lakdawala was arrested from Patna on Wednesday by the Mumbai Police. The police produced him in a local court in Mumbai on Thursday, which remanded him to police custody till January 21.