Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma is going gaga over her contemporary Katrina Kaif after she saw the latest song from her upcoming flick 'Fitoor.'
Praising the 32-year-old actress, the 'NH10' star tweeted, "How hot and fit is #Katrina in the new #Fitoor song .Nailed the dance ! Lovin it !"
In the song titled 'Pashmina,' Katrina and the film's lead actor Aditiya Roy Kapur can be seen locked in a passionate embrace while grooving to the soothing melody. This is the second romantic track of the film.
Directed by Abhishek Kapoor, 'Fitoor' is based on Charles Dickens' novel 'Great Expectations.' Also starring Tabu in key role, the flick will hit the theatres on February 12.