Apple reportedly makes the most money for its employees with half a million dollars for each of its 80,300 staff, among 18 of the biggest technology and media companies, according to a new study by BuzzFeed.
The company's net income at the end of its 2013 fiscal year in September amounted to 37 billion dollars on revenue of 171 billion dollars.
The results were concluded after gathering data from the companies' most recent 10-K reports and then dividing the fiscal year 2013 net income a company reported in its 10-K by the number of employees it reported.
The company said that as of Sept. 28, 2013, it had 80,300 full-time equivalent employees.
Apple's 460,772 dollars in profits per employee was followed by 21st Century Fox at 277,344 dollars, Google at 270,123 dollars, Facebook at 236,705 dollars and Viacom at 230,000 dollars per employee.
Meanwhile, Microsoft reported 221,212 dollars in profit per employee, Discovery Communications at 188,597 dollars, Time Warner at108, 824 dollars, CBS at $96,460 and Netflix at $55,589 per employee, making it to the top ten companies.
The remaining on the list included Comcast at 50,000 dollars in profits per employee, Disney at 34,857 dollars, DreamWorks at 25,045 dollars, News Corp. at 21,083 dollars, The New York Times Co. at 18,447 dollars, AOL at 18,118 dollars, Gannett Co. at 12,310 dollars and LinkedIn at 5,312 dollars per employee.