Arjun Rampal has wrapped up the shooting of his upcoming flick 'Kahaani 2,' a sequel to Sujoy Ghosh's 2012 thriller 'Kahaani.'
The 43-year-old actor took to his Twitter and posted his picture, writing, "A wrap on #Kahaani2 after a long wait we did it @sujoy_g TY for the amazing experience.TY the whole mad team,miss u."
The actor continued, "Some memories from Kahaani 2, a special film November 25th 2016. Can't wait to seeing you all,."
The movie's director Sujoy tweeted, "the shoot of KAHAANI 2 ends.. and the work to make the film begins with some aweFsome stuff from.. the @vidya_balan and @rampalarjun."
Earlier, it was reported that the movie's leading lady Vidya Balan has wrapped up the movie's shoot.
The forthcoming sequel is scheduled to release on 25 November.