Delhi Police on Monday said that it has lodged around 247 FIRs against the persons found violating home quarantine rules amid the coronavirus lockdown.
According to officials, 81 FIRs were registered after physical verification, 160 FIRs after technical surveillance while six were registered on the complaints from neighbours.
Several people suspected of contracting COVID-19 are being quarantined, either at their homes or at government quarantine centres.
Officials said that regular surveillance is being done and the violators are being booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and Epidemic Diseases Act.
As many as 47, 41, 35, 35, 22, 21, 13, 11 and 8 cases have been registered by the Outer, South-East, South-West, Dwarka, South, Central, North-West, Shahdara, and East district police respectively.
This comes as the country is under lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus, which according to the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs has claimed the lives of 111 people and infected 4,233 others as on Monday evening.