Hours after Narayan Sai was arrested at the Delhi-Haryana border, jailed spiritual guru Asaram Bapu's spokesperson, Uday Sangani, said on Wednesday that the father-son duo are being framed by people with vested interests.
"We will cooperate with the police. We had filed for an anticipatory bill in a lower court and the decision took one and a half months. The hard fact is that bail was rejected. After this, we moved to the high court," said Sangani.
"We had challenged the police decision to declare Narayan Sai an absconder. We are not running away, and we doing everything possible in the court of law," he added.
"There is a conspiracy behind all of this. Some people who have vested interests are framing us, despite the fact that we are innocent," he said.
In a joint operation between Delhi and Gujarat Police, Narayan Sai, who is wanted in a rape case in Surat, was arrested from the Delhi-Haryana border, on Wednesday
Surat Police had registered two complaints - one against Asaram and the other against his son Sai of rape, sexual assault and illegal confinement as alleged by two sisters on October 6.
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Earlier on November 11, a local court declared Sai a proclaimed absconder under Section 82 of CrPC, and asked him to appear before investigating officer or court within 30 days from the day of declaration of "proclamation for person absconding".
The elder of the two sisters has accused Asaram of sexually assaulting her between 1997 and 2006 at his ashram, while the younger sister has filed a complaint against Sai, accusing him of repeated sexual assaults between 2002 and 2005 at the Surat ashram.
Asaram, 72, was arrested on September 1 on allegations of sexual assault on a minor at his ashram in Jodhpur.